Contact us

If you are interested to join the lab, collaborate, or inquire, please do not hesitate to send Hongwu Du an email (hongwudu [AT] ustb [DOT] edu [DOT] cn) or using the form in this page →
Undergraduate students: To discuss potential research projects or ideas, feel free to reach out to hongwudu and arrange a brief meeting.
Graduate students: Prospective students interested in pursuing a Masters or PhD program in Biomedical Engineering at University of Science and Technology Beijing can submit a CV along with a brief statement of their research interests before applying. Additionally, they can arrange a discussion with Hongwu in advance.
Other positions: The lab is always actively looking for interns, researchers, and developers. If you are interested in doing these position (locally or remotely), please also do not hesitate to email Hongwu to discuss.
Office: 112 Lab, Lihua BLDG, No.30 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100083 China. Prof. Hongwu Du,